*NEW Summer Series!
*Behold Podcast
*Worksheets to help you implement the tools from the podcast into your daily life
*Workshops that dive more in depth on the concepts that you want most
Time can be a tricky thing. Our brain tells us:
You don't have enough time.
Your time is not your own.
You are wasting all your time.
But are these thoughts even true? In the Time Challenge, you are going to look at time differently, plan your time in a way that helps you accomplish what God is calling you too, and find the flexibility and peace you are looking for in your busy life.
Spring and Summer Series - Workshop
Making Confident Decisions Mini-Workshop
Weight Loss Mini-Workshop
Holidays with Him Mini-Workshop
Parenting Mini-Workshop
Summer Survival Mini-Workshop
Time Workshop - Now Available!
When you have a thought, it feels big, powerful, and true. When you write it down, your thought becomes a sentence - something that can be examined, explored, and changed.
You can sign up to access workbooks from the mini-workshops as well as worksheets from Podcast episodes on trust, Lent, meal planning, and more.
The Behold Podcast comes out every Thursday. By listening weekly, you will learn the tools that you need to live your life worthy of the call you have received (Ephesians 4:1).
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