Many of us have an attachement to our phones. It is no wonder why. Our phones provide so many amazing tools that help to make our lives easier and efficiant while entertaining us!
But sometimes the cell phone use gets to a point where we are no longer using it as intented. We start to find ourselves craving the screen every free moment. We go to check social media for a minute, and suddenly an hour has gone by. We want to stop, but we don’t feel like we can.
Friends, this intensive is for you.
Over the course of a month, through an easy to use workbook, video course, and accountability emails, you will learn the tools that will help you to get to the root cause of your phone and social media use.
You will learn how to change the way you use your phone without giving it up completely. And, you will learn how to love yourself throughout the process.
It doesn’t sound like a lot, but it adds up quickly. An hour and half less a day is equivalent to
*10.5 hours per week
*45.5 hours per month
*546 hours per year (That is 22.75 days!!)
This work is worth it!
We are on this journey together. I would love to walk with you as you look at what is behind your cell phone use and learn the tools that will help your phone to serve you rather than you serving your phone.
Behold has something for you. Join us on the journey by subscribing to our weekly email update.
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