At your request, we have consolidated all episodes and worksheets into one convenient place. Now, you can consume the content with ease. Just click the link then click on the Sign Up button for Behold. You will immediately get free access to the worksheets mentioned in Behold episodes plus bonus workshops coming soon!
Beckoned means to gently call. The Lord is gently calling you to your dreams. He has a purpose He wants you to discover and live out well. The Beckoned program is a monthly membership that is going to help you do just that. We have weekly group coaching (replays are available), monthly courses, a supportive community and more!
What others are saying about Beckoned:
Thank you so much! This program has changed my life. Member
This program has been life changing. I am so grateful. Member
What others are saying about the power of group coaching:
The group coaching always helped me feel that I wasn’t alone, and many times there were thoughts brought up that I didn’t even realize that I was having myself. Member
The weekly group coaching calls were great…You always had something to teach us even when no one had anything to ask! I learned a lot from other’s questions. Thank you for recording them, so we could listen if we missed them (live). Member
**Beloved is getting an update in Fall 2023! It will be a stand alone program that will offer even more support, tools, and accountability! In the meantime, the original Beloved program still available in Beckoned. Plus, there will be a significant discount for the new Beloved program for anyone who is in Beckoned. **
If you have struggled with your weight, emotional eating, yo-yo dieting, and just want to be free from food, this is the program for you. Using these tools, I have lost over 100lbs, and I am going to share exactly how I have done it with you!
The program is now included with your Beckoned membership!! This is a $1500 value!
What are the Beloved Ladies saying?
This is a life changing program! Weight loss related or not…I feel I found the answer I was needing in my life. Beloved Member
I loved all the resources available to us! I looked forward to group coaching sessions and any live videos you threw out there. I also like that you had topics prepared to talk about if no one brought anything to the group coaching session. I checked Facebook regularly just to see what had been posted on Behold or Beloved because I couldn’t get enough and didn’t want to miss a thing! Beloved Member
The workbook was great and explained everything vey clearly. All the activities were well thought out. Beloved Member
This is a month long intensive course that will give you the tools you need to become intentional with your phone/social media/screen time. If you have ever felt like you are a slave to your phone or social media, this is the place for you! Your phone is meant to be a tool that serves you, not the other way around.
The Intensive includes access to the kick off workshop on April 27th at 12:30pm and the replay, a workbook to help you process and plan, as well as emails that will offer inspiration and accountability.
This product is available for FREE as a part of the Beckoned membership. You can join Beckoned below.
This product is also available by clicking below for $49.99. This includes the live workshop and replay, workbook, and motivational emails.
If you would like to upgrade your Intensive, you can add a one hour one on one coaching call and 30 days of voxer support.
If you would like to learn more about Life Coaching with me, let’s schedule a curiosity call!
Join the Behold email list. Each week, I send out an update with the newest episode in the Behold series, any worksheets for the week, and any other updates.
Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. I am excited to do this work with you, and I look forward to hearing from you!
Email me at
Behold is a series for women longing to live a life worthy of the call they have received. Check out the free series on our YouTube channel, in your favorite podcast player or in our private facebook group. Links are below.
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